EndlessOm @Home Class Descriptions

  • Aerial Arts Flow with Sara:

    A combination of flowing aerial yoga and dynamic aerial dance, this challenging yet fluid class features creative sequencing, flowing transitions, flips, and inversions.

    *Previous aerial experience required

  • Aerial Power with Paula:

    A combination Aerial Yoga and TRX-style strength training, Aerial Power takes your practice to a whole new level!

    Cultivate core and upper body strength, increase stability and balance and improve flexibility, all while having way more fun than should be allowed while exercising!

    And don't worry, plenty of rest and recuperating time in the silks to round out the practice.

  • Aerial Yoga with Jess & Amanda:

    Safely secured in a suspended hammock, get ready to take your asana practice to a whole new level! Increase strength, deepen relaxation and exponentially multiply your level of fun in an experience that’s as exhilarating as it is empowering.

    Open level classes are suitable to all levels. Beginner classes are as well, but may not include inversions.

  • Ayurvedic Cooking with Maggie:

    According to Ayurveda, the sister science of yoga, we are meant to live in sync with the seasons, both of the year and of our lives. And the most effective way to find balance is through the stomach.

    Luckily, eating well and in alignment with your season doesn't have to be complicated, and it can definitely be fun! Together, we will prepare a warming and nourishing lunch, while learning a few seasonal tricks and tips to bring balance to your own kitchen.

  • Coming Home: a return to the Body's Inner Wisdom with Linda:

    Most of our daily life consists of practices and behaviors that disconnect us from the here and now. Thankfully there are simple yet powerful practices to break the cycle, even if only for a moment, and help us connect back to the inner wisdom of our body.

    In this mindfulness based practice, we will meditate, share, learn, and practice tools and take home skills to help us reconnect with the deep wisdom within us.

  • Hot Power Vinyasa with Lauren*:

    An upbeat, dynamic vinyasa flow guaranteed to make you sweat! Cultivate strength and flexibility within the body, while building both concentration and ease within the mind.

    This class is designed for All Levels, with plenty of opportunities to level up or ground down depending on how you’re feeling.

    *Room will be heated, so bring a towel!

  • Intro to Ashtanga and Pranayama with Mana:

    Ashtanga Yoga is a structured practice designed to bring all eight limbs of yoga together into one complete and holistic system. This class will introduce and explore the Ashtanga Primary Series as a basis for building the concentration and discipline of a well-rounded self-practice. Variations and modifications will always be offered.

    Pranayama, or ancient yogic breathwork practices, will also be explored to both harness and manipulate the breath to focus the mind and bring ease to the body.

  • Restorative Aerial with Jana:

    Using low hung hammocks as a prop to encourage a full range of lumbar spine movements, this special restorative aerial sequence will hold fully supported poses for several minutes to ensure maximum relaxation.

  • Warm Candlelight Prana Vinyasa with Sara:

    Gently heated and low-lit with candles, this slower-flowing class will use the mindful movement and conscious breathing of Shiva Rea's pioneering style of Prana Vinyasa to seasonally settle your body and mind and ease you into a restful evening.

    Exploring Shiva's various namaskars in our own creative way to a curated playlist - this practice won’t necessarily be easy or gentle, just slow, thoughtful, and grounding.

  • Yin Yoga with Matthew:

    Yin Yoga is a slow, deep and calming practice. With a focus on stretching the connective tissue, all poses have longer holds to affect the fascia, tendons and ligaments of the hips, thighs, back, neck and shoulders.

    This practice will help increase mobility and flexibility, lower stress levels and promote relaxation, bringing balance to your body and mind.

  • Yoga as Empowerment and Social Justice with Zahra & Ayanna

    We’ll begin with deep stretching, build into a strong and intentional vinyasa practice, and then ground, relax and restore in this seamlessly co-lead class.

    We’ll end with a discussion about equity, inclusivity, and justice through the lens of yoga philosophy. Bring a journal, something to write with, and an open mind!